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The Medical Uses of Ozone

Oxygen is O2. Ozone is O3. The additional oxygen atom creates a high-energy molecule that is converted quickly to ozonides in the body which enhance metabolism. The better our metabolism, the better our energy level and health in general.

Ozone in the atmosphere is considered a pollutant because it is associated with toxic hydrocarbon pollutants, but in a medical setting, it is very safe and well-utilized almost everywhere in the body. The one organ that ozone can potentially irritate is the lungs, so it is not applied directly there.

Regenerative treatments, including prolotherapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, strengthen and enhance the healing of ligament and tendon injuries and arthritic joints. With prolotherapy, dextrose is injected, which creates a mild irritation to which the body responds by growing stronger tissue. When prolotherapy is combined with ozone in a treatment called Prolozone (developed by Dr. Frank Shallenberger, one of the leading pioneers of ozone therapy), the metabolic boost that ozone provides increases the effectiveness of prolotherapy. For instance, treating knee arthritis usually takes four to six prolotherapy treatments, but we often achieve successful results in three or four treatments on a consistent basis by adding ozone.

Although it is not applied directly to the lungs, ozone can be instilled into olive oil, with the ozonated vapors providing comfort for sinus congestion. While ozone will not cure sinus problems on its own, ozonated oil vapors play an important role by soothing the nasal passages and airways. This is especially helpful when sinus congestion is affecting breathing.

For wounds, pressure sores, and other skin conditions, ozone can be applied to the affected areas to enhance healing. Wounds heal poorly when they do not get adequate tissue nutrients and oxygen. Applying ozone to the area of the wound improves the local metabolism and provides an opportunity to heal.

For digestive problems, intestinal insufflation (blowing into) with ozone can be used for its metabolic benefit. The ozone helps with intestinal symptoms and enhances body health. As a gas, ozone travels within the intestine and can reach up to the liver. Usually, the first treatment is done in the office and subsequent treatments can be done at home.

One of the greatest uses of ozone is applying it intravenously (IV). This is done by a method called major autologous hemotransfusion, or MAH, a fancy way of saying that we donate blood to ourselves. After a predetermined amount of blood is taken, usually starting with 100 milliliters, the blood is combined with saline and ozonated. The ozonated blood is then returned via IV as a series of treatments. MAH improves overall metabolism, which can greatly enhance health. Many diseases are related to poor metabolism, including heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and chronic fatigue syndrome. There are also medical studies that have shown the benefits of MAH for heart disease. While ozone treatment can be effective as a standalone treatment, it is even more effective as part of a multifaceted approach to wellness.

Warren Slaten, M.D., is a wellness physician certified in advanced bioidentical hormone replacement specializing in regenerative pain treatments and lifestyle counseling. For more information, call 201-882-1500 or visit

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