New Bathroom Tech to Monitor Health

Phira Phonruewiangphing from Getty Images & Elnur
Imagine a toilet that not only cleans itself but also performs a urinalysis to detect hydration levels, urinary tract infections and kidney issues. A trip to the restroom may be the first step in monitoring and maintaining health and wellness, as a number of new products with medical monitoring features are finding their way into the latest bathrooms.
Toi Labs makes smart toilets equipped with advanced sensors that
non-invasively monitor fluid intake levels, stool and urine contents, and other
vital health metrics without any burden to the user. Withings, a French company, offers a toilet device that detects a large variety
of biomarkers found in urine and offers actionable advice for improving health.
CareOS has unveiled
the first AI-powered smart mirror for mental wellness that the company asserts
can identify mood and help manage stress. Look into the mirror for skin care
recommendations and how to correct yoga poses. A Canadian company, NuraLogix, offers a
mirror that detects blood pressure and vital signs and assesses disease
risk. A 2020 study found that smart floor sensors could be used to
predict fall risk and signs of illness. Smart bath maker BBalance is hoping to
launch a mat next year that can measure weight and body
composition, and detect posture and balance, to predict the risk of
neurodegenerative disease.