Seattle Providing Electric Vehicle Chargers on Utility Poles

Marcio Isensee e Sá/
As people switch to electric vehicles (EV) to reduce their emissions, some homeowners and apartment dwellers without charging infrastructure are at a disadvantage. The city of Seattle set a goal to reduce transportation emissions 83 percent below 2008 levels by 2030, and to make things easier, they will install chargers on local utility poles on demand. Seattle City Light will conduct the project as part of a more extensive portfolio of transportation electrification investments and services to help the utility service area transition to zero-emission electric transportation options. Residents can accomplish some emission reductions with public transit, biking, walking and other options, but many still rely on personal vehicles for some trips.
The Curbside Level 2 EV charging program is available to anyone on a first-come, first-serve basis. The person making the request must own or plan to own an EV within the next 12 months, and their existing address must not offer off-street parking (where they could buy their own). Once a request is made, the utility will evaluate the area and ask for input from neighbors before installing a new EV charger. If more than 50 percent of neighboring property owners oppose the chargers, they will not be installed.